While divorce may be triggered by anger, holding onto anger in the form of resentment can lead to a longer, more expensive divorce that is more painful for the children as well as everyone involved. Regina explains how forgiveness can save us time, money, and energy in the divorce process. Regina is an alumna of Georgetown University’s SFS and George Washington University Law School, who has been helping families in the DC Area for the past 22 years with family law issues. Since 2007, she has served as an ADR facilitator for both DC Superior Court and Montgomery County Circuit Court. She has also practiced Collaborative Divorce for over a decade and was formerly the President of the Collaborative Divorce Association in Maryland. For two years, she hosted a tv show on MMCTV to help families tackle major issues. In 2012, she was a legal commentator for Sirius XM, and in July 2013 she appeared on Good Morning America. This past year, she was an adjunct professor at the GWU Family Law Clinic, and in June 2020 joined the Board of the Women Business Owners of Montgomery County. She was just recognized in the Washingtonian Magazine’s Top Lawyers Dec. 2020 issue and has previously been featured in the Washington Post, as well as Bethesda Magazine. She is frequently quoted in the media as an expert in family law, who promotes ADR in order to preserve as much family wealth and goodwill as possible.
Forgiveness in the Divorce Process with Regina De Meo
About the Author: Regina DeMeo

Nationally recognized matrimonial attorney & legal commentator based in DC and MD since 1998.